



  • 超清云
  • 剧情介绍
Jacob Chandler is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary gift. The epitome of the accidental exorcist, Jacob and his nephew Liam have forged a career clearing demons from the bodies of their clients. Of late, something has changed as possessions increase and Jacob fights to keep those he loves safe, the burden weighing heavy on his shoulders. When his path crosses with Liam's new girlfriend, Atalie Carlisle, he recognizes something in her dark, broken gaze. She too can see the damned. Jacob never expected to meet anyone else like himself, nor did he anticipate needing her help. When summoned to a hauntingly beautiful homestead with a tragic past, Jacob must call upon all his experience and Atalie's untrained powers, to uncover the layers of demonic deception at play. Death is here, and it will do anything to be free. Inspired by actual events.


  • 0.0HD摇篮曲莲妮·芭拉班,奥娜·卓别林,拉蒙·罗德里格兹,布瑞恩·麦凯格
  • 0.0HD潜伏罗丝·伯恩,帕特里克·威尔森,泰·辛普金斯,林·沙烨,雷·沃纳尔,安格斯·桑普森,芭芭拉·赫希,安德鲁·阿斯特,科比特·塔克,希瑟·托奎尼,约瑟夫·比沙拉,J·拉罗斯,乔希·费尔德曼,珍妮特苏萨,Ruben,Pla,John,Henry,Binder,Philip,Friedman,本·伍尔夫
  • 0.0HD诡拼车包小柏,倪景阳,连凯,张羽,金晨,段卿卿,郭艳,孔小铭,董祺,王劲松
  • 0.0HD开夜车黄嫊芳,陈邦鋆,胡佳琪
  • 0.0HD今宵多珍重张子蕾,陈传多,南苗,郑斌辉,向云,陈一心
  • 0.0HD捕鼠者艾什莉·本森,马特·麦高瑞,凯丽·维诺夫,丽贝卡·纳奥米·琼斯,亚历克斯·克兰默,迈克尔·威廉·弗里曼,约翰·安德森,迪伦·查尔菲,卡尔·格洛斯曼,乔恩·巴斯,特丽·卡斯特,特德·科赫,杰森·寇勒图尔斯

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